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Bedros Keuilian

가입: 2008년 10월 10일

Average is the enemy, success is your responsibility and change can take place in an instant, when you decide to flip the switch! I’m Bedros Keuilian, an American entrepreneur, and I believe you can have it all…but it’s not going to be given, it’s gotta be earned! The purpose of this channel is to help YOU live a life of even greater purpose, meaning, impact and financial freedom by showing you how to breakthrough and win in life and in business. So if you get value from my content then subscribe and leave a comment 👊🏼

Bedros CEO 10x entrepreneur self-made success mastermind business coach coaching branding systems speaker franchising fitness franchises fitness marketing personal development personal growth Bedros keuilian Entrepreneurship Motivation self-help leadership productivity goals life purpose Marketing Habits Sales Networking Wealth Personal Brand Emotional Intelligence Business advice Goal Setting Flip the switch high performance skils high performer mdk project
800,000 구독자
70,678,232 누적 조회수
1,513 누적 동영상

최근 업로드한 영상 통계

총 조회수
일반: 951.8K
쇼츠: 153.3K
총 좋아요
일반: 43K
쇼츠: 12.2K
총 댓글
일반: 5.3K
쇼츠: 312
예상 수익
$1,912.77 ~ $4,344.35

최근 업로드한 동영상

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Forget MAGA | This is What Will Make Our Country Great Again | The Bedros Keuilian Show E0109

10.1K 728 78 업로드: 2024-10-29 22:00:02

예상 수익: $20.17 ~ $45.38

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This is what’s killing your dreams and shorting your success

7.4K 378 27 업로드: 2024-10-27 22:00:00

예상 수익: $14.85 ~ $33.42

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Are you a nice guy or a good man?  | The Bedros Keuilian Show E0108

28.1K 1.7K 113 업로드: 2024-10-22 22:00:24

예상 수익: $56.26 ~ $126.59

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How to win the BATTLE of entrepreneurship | The Bedros Keuilian Show E0107

19.7K 988 87 업로드: 2024-10-15 22:01:08

예상 수익: $39.44 ~ $88.75

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When to QUIT your stable job and go all in on your business!!

7.4K 409 27 업로드: 2024-10-13 22:00:15

예상 수익: $14.71 ~ $33.10

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THIS is what is killing your goals and dreams!! | The Bedros Keuilian Show E106

39.6K 2.5K 184 업로드: 2024-10-08 22:01:17

예상 수익: $79.17 ~ $178.12

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Here’s how to “Lock In” [Full Guide]

11K 513 18 업로드: 2024-10-06 22:00:51

예상 수익: $22.09 ~ $49.69

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STOP Following the Herd Mentality Before It's TOO LATE

7.7K 375 21 업로드: 2024-09-29 23:31:40

예상 수익: $15.37 ~ $34.58

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6 Steps to Grow your Business Faster and Make More Money | The Bedros Keuilian Show E104

19.4K 813 48 업로드: 2024-09-24 22:00:23

예상 수익: $38.74 ~ $87.17

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4 Irrefutable life FACTS that will tell me everything about you | The Bedros Keuilian Show E102

26.7K 2K 194 업로드: 2024-09-10 22:00:56

예상 수익: $53.48 ~ $120.33

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What skill will make you the MOST money in 2024?!

7.6K 362 17 업로드: 2024-09-08 22:00:20

예상 수익: $15.17 ~ $34.13

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Think you need therapy? First Watch This

6.2K 310 20 업로드: 2024-09-01 22:00:00

예상 수익: $12.45 ~ $28.01

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The truth about Scaling a Business from $0 to a Multi Million Dollar Fitness Franchise

5.4K 224 27 업로드: 2024-08-22 22:25:17

예상 수익: $10.89 ~ $24.51

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How to control your mind and win your inner battle | The Bedros Keuilian Show E099

52K 2.5K 150 업로드: 2024-08-20 22:00:55

예상 수익: $104.00 ~ $234.00

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People Are More Scared Of This Than Dying

5.3K 252 36 업로드: 2024-08-15 22:34:40

예상 수익: $10.69 ~ $24.04

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The cold hard truth about starting a business…| The Bedros Keuilian Show E098

23.3K 1.3K 116 업로드: 2024-08-13 22:00:41

예상 수익: $46.67 ~ $105.01

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If you're thinking about voting for Kamala Harris in 2024...

445.3K 16.7K 3.5K 업로드: 2024-08-11 22:00:58

예상 수익: $890.65 ~ $2,003.96

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Achieve Success 5 years FASTER with this ONE Habit

16.9K 814 22 업로드: 2024-08-04 22:00:09

예상 수익: $33.85 ~ $76.17

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4 Uncomfortable truths about life you need to hear | The Bedros Keuilian Show E096

67.3K 3K 138 업로드: 2024-07-30 22:00:41

예상 수익: $134.55 ~ $302.75

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How Can I Brainwash My Kids Before The OPPOSITION Does?

4K 220 16 업로드: 2024-07-21 22:00:24

예상 수익: $8.09 ~ $18.20

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How to Discover What Success ACTUALLY Means To You

13.3K 740 36 업로드: 2024-07-14 22:00:53

예상 수익: $26.67 ~ $60.00

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This Happens When Men Learn How to Become Protectors

10.6K 530 48 업로드: 2024-07-12 07:00:26

예상 수익: $21.17 ~ $47.64

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THIS is more important than making money AND being jacked… | The Bedros Keuilian Show E093

40.7K 2K 85 업로드: 2024-07-09 22:00:17

예상 수익: $81.32 ~ $182.98

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The #1 Way to Massively Grow ANY Business

7.5K 295 40 업로드: 2024-07-04 22:00:48

예상 수익: $15.04 ~ $33.83

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Living in Moderation is keeping you broke! Stop Dabbling and Quit Your Vices

23.6K 1.2K 70 업로드: 2024-06-30 22:00:52

예상 수익: $47.26 ~ $106.34

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You’re built different! | The Bedros Keuilian Show E091

45.4K 2.3K 195 업로드: 2024-06-25 22:00:00

예상 수익: $90.81 ~ $204.32