I love gaming and editing! So you can see here TV Show and Movie edits and also a lot of gaming :) Hope you enjoy! Anyway: stay lazy ‐--------------------- Ich liebe zocken und schnibbeln aka Video cutting. Also könnt ihr hier Serien und Film Edits sehen und natürlich viele zocki Videos. Ich hoffe euch gefällts ^^ Außerdem: stay lazy
최근 업로드한 영상 통계
쇼츠: 14.1M
쇼츠: 1M
쇼츠: 44.1K
최근 업로드한 동영상

The Hardest Boss Fights of the Century #shorts #gaming #eldenring #sekiro #bloodborne #cuphead
업로드: 2025-02-03 01:05:01
6.6K 638 102
예상 수익: $0.39 ~ $2.63

Games that turn 10 Years Old in 2025 #shorts #gaming #helldivers #cod #thewitcher3 #bloodborne #halo
업로드: 2025-02-01 01:05:00
41.7K 4.7K 307
예상 수익: $2.50 ~ $16.66

The Biggest Plot Twists in Gaming History #shorts #gaming #gow #mw #kotor #eldenring #rdr2 #bioshock
업로드: 2025-01-27 01:05:00
104.2K 7.9K 316
예상 수익: $6.25 ~ $41.69

Most Underrated Games ft. @Stizzl #shorts #gaming #metro #prey #aplaguetale #liesofp #gothic #kotor
업로드: 2025-01-25 01:05:00
55.6K 4.5K 378
예상 수익: $3.34 ~ $22.25

Video Games that got Cancelled #shorts #gaming #doom #tlou #halo #starwars #prey #fable #starcraft
업로드: 2025-01-20 01:05:00
286.3K 23.8K 774
예상 수익: $17.18 ~ $114.52

The Hardest Ranks to achieve in Video Games #shorts #gaming #cs2 #dota2 #rainbowsixsiege #valorant
업로드: 2025-01-18 01:05:00
24.8K 1.9K 86
예상 수익: $1.49 ~ $9.92

Games with disappointing Endings #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #assassinscreed #farcry #halo #fallout #rage
업로드: 2025-01-13 01:05:00
166K 10.6K 815
예상 수익: $9.96 ~ $66.42

Games with perfect Endings #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #gow #thewitcher3 #gta5 #tlou #ghostoftsushima
업로드: 2025-01-11 01:05:00
189.5K 17.4K 644
예상 수익: $11.37 ~ $75.82

The Big 3 of Each Game Studio #shorts #gaming #eldenring #bloodborne #rdr2 #gta #tlou #gow #skyrim
업로드: 2025-01-04 01:05:00
128.1K 11K 580
예상 수익: $7.69 ~ $51.24

Most Popular Games of 2024 #shorts #gaming #minecraft #fortnite #roblox #cod #pubg #lol #cs2 #apex
업로드: 2024-12-30 01:05:00
81.1K 6.1K 272
예상 수익: $4.87 ~ $32.44

Top 15 Best Video Games of 2024 #shorts #gaming #spacemarine2 #helldivers2 #eldenring #blackmyth
업로드: 2024-12-28 01:05:00
84.2K 6.8K 529
예상 수익: $5.05 ~ $33.70

Most Searched Games in 2024 #shorts #gaming #helldivers2 #blackmyth #brawlstars #palworld #pokerogue
업로드: 2024-12-23 01:05:00
72.4K 5.5K 196
예상 수익: $4.34 ~ $28.96

Wow. We've come a LONG way #shorts #gaming #rdr #godofwar #eldenring #sekiro #gta #tlou #thewitcher3
업로드: 2024-12-16 02:05:00
1.5M 87.7K 2K
예상 수익: $92.28 ~ $615.23

The Best Checkpoint Systems in Video Games #shorts #gaming #minecraft #mario #eldenring #darksouls
업로드: 2024-12-14 01:05:00
1.5M 104.3K 1.9K
예상 수익: $90.25 ~ $601.65

Games That Started as Mods #shorts #gaming #cs #garrysmod #pubg #dayz #dota2 #counterstrike #mods
업로드: 2024-12-09 01:05:00
171.7K 11.9K 311
예상 수익: $10.30 ~ $68.68

Games that have Broken Records #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #gow #wow #gta5 #minecraft #baldursgate3 #mario
업로드: 2024-12-07 01:35:00
266.9K 20.9K 575
예상 수익: $16.02 ~ $106.77

Most Expensive Games Ever Made #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #halo #tlou2 #destiny #gta5 #genshinimpact
업로드: 2024-12-02 01:05:00
1.2M 78.9K 2.8K
예상 수익: $69.07 ~ $460.43

Games where the Main Character Dies #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #halo #rdr #tlou #persona #tlou2 #batman
업로드: 2024-11-30 01:05:00
291K 20.9K 1.3K
예상 수익: $17.46 ~ $116.41

The Only 10/10 Game Trilogies #shorts #gaming #thewitcher #gta #halo #darksouls #deadspace #godofwar
업로드: 2024-11-25 01:05:00
124.3K 12.5K 764
예상 수익: $7.46 ~ $49.70

The Contenders For Game of The Year 2024 #shorts #gaming #eldenring #blackmythwukong #astrobot #ff7
업로드: 2024-11-23 01:05:00
78.9K 5.2K 633
예상 수익: $4.73 ~ $31.54

Best Final Boss Fights In Gaming History #shorts #gaming #bloodborne #hades #undertale #darksouls
업로드: 2024-11-18 02:05:00
208.3K 14.9K 936
예상 수익: $12.50 ~ $83.33

Games coming out in 2025 #shorts #gaming #gta6 #monsterhunterwilds #subnautica2 #doomthedarkages
업로드: 2024-11-16 02:05:00
1.6M 143.7K 5.4K
예상 수익: $96.05 ~ $640.33

Hardest Games of all Time #shorts #gaming #sifu #nioh #eldenring #darksouls #bloodborne #sekiro
업로드: 2024-11-11 01:05:00
1M 73.9K 3.9K
예상 수익: $62.60 ~ $417.35

Your Birth Month Your Game #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #eldenring #blackmythwukong #tlou #godofwar #sekiro
업로드: 2024-11-09 01:05:00
339.5K 23.1K 3.2K
예상 수익: $20.37 ~ $135.82

The Only 10/10 Action Adventure Games #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #gow #thewitcher #tlou #gta #sekiro
업로드: 2024-11-04 01:05:00
449.5K 36.7K 1.7K
예상 수익: $26.97 ~ $179.78

Games that took the longest to make #shorts #gaming #re4 #rdr2 #gta6 #starfield #starcraft2 #diablo
업로드: 2024-11-02 01:05:00
346.6K 29.1K 1K
예상 수익: $20.80 ~ $138.65

The Only 10/10 Horror Games #shorts #gaming #alanwake2 #untildawn #residentevil #silenthill #inside
업로드: 2024-10-28 01:05:00
447.1K 38.2K 1.6K
예상 수익: $26.83 ~ $178.85

Worst Game of Each Year #shorts #gaming #anthem #fallout76 #gollum #jujutsukaisen #efootball #sonic
업로드: 2024-10-26 00:05:00
223.9K 12.4K 1K
예상 수익: $13.44 ~ $89.57

Some of the Easiest Decisions in Gaming History #shorts #gaming #gta5 #skyrim #rdr2 #cod #farcry3
업로드: 2024-10-21 00:05:02
365.1K 29.1K 778
예상 수익: $21.91 ~ $146.04

Games with the Best Fast Travel Systems #shorts #gaming #godofwar #spiderman #hollowknight #batman
업로드: 2024-10-19 00:05:01
222.8K 14.6K 418
예상 수익: $13.37 ~ $89.10

Some of the Hardest Decisions in Gaming History #shorts #gaming #ghostoftsushima #thewitcher3 #cod
업로드: 2024-10-14 01:05:00
257.6K 18.3K 676
예상 수익: $15.46 ~ $103.05

Video Game Features made by Mistake #shorts #gaming #skyrim #minecraft #silenthill #gta #mario
업로드: 2024-10-12 01:05:00
32K 2.5K 40
예상 수익: $1.92 ~ $12.78

Highest Rated Video Games Of 2024 #shorts #gaming #thelastofus #horizon #destiny #eldenring #tekken8
업로드: 2024-10-07 01:05:06
89.6K 6.2K 428
예상 수익: $5.37 ~ $35.83

The Hardest Optional Bosses In Gaming History #shorts #gaming #eldenring #sekiro #gow #darksouls
업로드: 2024-10-05 00:05:00
424.7K 28.2K 1.6K
예상 수익: $25.48 ~ $169.89

The Only 10/10 Game Series #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #gow #thewitcher #tlou #soulsborne #gta #doom
업로드: 2024-09-30 01:05:00
203.6K 19.3K 1.4K
예상 수익: $12.22 ~ $81.44

Best Selling Video Game Franchises of all Time #shorts #gaming #minecraft #lego #cod #fifa #gta
업로드: 2024-09-28 00:05:00
91.6K 7.3K 347
예상 수익: $5.50 ~ $36.64

Best Selling Video Games of 2024 #gaming #spacemarine2 #helldivers2 #eldenring #tekken8 #blackmyth
업로드: 2024-09-23 00:05:00
75.6K 5.2K 289
예상 수익: $4.54 ~ $30.24

Games That Make You Feel Like A Badass #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #gow #spacemarine2 #tlou #eldenring
업로드: 2024-09-21 00:05:00
97.3K 8.6K 502
예상 수익: $5.84 ~ $38.90

Games With The Most Awards #shorts #gaming #rdr2 #gow #thewitcher #tlou #eldenring #skyrim #tlou2
업로드: 2024-09-16 00:05:00
343.6K 28.1K 1.3K
예상 수익: $20.62 ~ $137.44

Games With the Largest Maps of All Time #shorts #gaming #nomanssky #minecraft #starfield #thecrew2
업로드: 2024-09-14 00:32:22
148.6K 10.3K 302
예상 수익: $8.92 ~ $59.44

Most Played Battle Royale Games Right Now #shorts #gaming #fortnite #apex #pubg #freefire #warzone
업로드: 2024-09-07 00:05:00
35.9K 1.9K 149
예상 수익: $2.15 ~ $14.36

Games Banned in Other Countries #shorts #gaming #battlefield #pokemon #finalfantasy #godofwar
업로드: 2024-09-02 00:05:00
92.2K 5.6K 543
예상 수익: $5.53 ~ $36.89

Most Popular Mobile Games 2024 #shorts #gaming #candycrush #subwaysurfers #pubg #pokemon #roblox
업로드: 2024-08-31 00:24:59
16.1K 1.1K 75
예상 수익: $0.97 ~ $6.45

The Highest Selling Video Game Consoles of all Time #shorts #gaming #ps5 #playstation #xbox #ps4 #ps
업로드: 2024-08-26 00:35:00
122.6K 8.1K 290
예상 수익: $7.35 ~ $49.03

The Most Played Games On Steam Right Now #shorts #gaming #blackmythwukong #gta #pubg #cs2 #dota2
업로드: 2024-08-24 00:08:03
238.4K 17.2K 424
예상 수익: $14.30 ~ $95.36

The Longest Cutscenes In Gaming History #shorts #gaming #metalgearsolid #deathstranding #yakuza
업로드: 2024-08-19 00:05:00
240.4K 13.9K 535
예상 수익: $14.42 ~ $96.16