BETA 서비스 중 PC크롬 브라우저에 최적화 되었습니다.
마지막 업데이트: 9일 전
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가입: 2015년 03월 04일

My name is Grant Sanderson. Videos here cover a variety of topics in math, or adjacent fields like physics and CS, all with an emphasis on visualizing the core ideas. The goal is to use animation to help elucidate and motivate otherwise tricky topics, and for difficult problems to be made simple with changes in perspective. For more information, other projects, FAQs, and inquiries see the website:

6,610,000 구독자
568,010,790 누적 조회수
185 누적 동영상

최근 업로드한 영상 통계

총 조회수
일반: 9M
쇼츠: 146.5M
총 좋아요
일반: 360.4K
쇼츠: 6.9M
총 댓글
일반: 10.7K
쇼츠: 40.2K
예상 수익
$26,812.40 ~ $99,153.91

최근 업로드한 동영상

Video Thumbnail 0:58 Shorts

Hologram preview

업로드: 2024-10-11 23:00:27

27.8K 1.9K 34

예상 수익: $1.67 ~ $11.13

Video Thumbnail 0:55 Shorts

Holograms are wild (full video linked above)

업로드: 2024-10-06 00:35:00

1.9M 108.6K 750

예상 수익: $111.46 ~ $743.03

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

A cute probability fact (part 3)

업로드: 2024-09-11 00:42:38

210.6K 12.2K 115

예상 수익: $12.64 ~ $84.23

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

A cute probability fact (part 2)

업로드: 2024-09-11 00:42:34

99.9K 5.6K 49

예상 수익: $5.99 ~ $39.95

Video Thumbnail 0:58 Shorts

A cute probability fact (part 1)

업로드: 2024-09-11 00:42:23

326.9K 17.8K 117

예상 수익: $19.61 ~ $130.77

Video Thumbnail 0:57 Shorts

In the vector space of all advice...

업로드: 2024-05-23 02:56:07

112.2K 6.3K 66

예상 수익: $6.73 ~ $44.89

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Temperature in LLMs

업로드: 2024-04-29 00:22:38

255.6K 14.9K 118

예상 수익: $15.33 ~ $102.23

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

How word vectors encode meaning

업로드: 2024-04-12 01:23:26

864.9K 45.3K 462

예상 수익: $51.90 ~ $345.98

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Simulating the electric field and a moving charge

업로드: 2024-01-26 15:00:04

577.1K 36.1K 224

예상 수익: $34.62 ~ $230.83

Video Thumbnail 0:59 Shorts

How the Mandelbrot set is defined

업로드: 2024-01-24 15:00:26

541.5K 33K 164

예상 수익: $32.49 ~ $216.58

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

A challenging puzzle about subset sums

업로드: 2024-01-22 15:00:00

942.3K 42.9K 241

예상 수익: $56.54 ~ $376.91

Video Thumbnail 0:51 Shorts

Ellipses have multiple definitions, how are these the same?

업로드: 2024-01-20 04:00:00

51.3K 2.8K 20

예상 수익: $3.08 ~ $20.51

Video Thumbnail 0:50 Shorts

Three levels of understanding Bayes' theorem

업로드: 2024-01-17 16:00:31

80.1K 6.1K 21

예상 수익: $4.81 ~ $32.05

Video Thumbnail 0:57 Shorts

The medical test paradox (well "paradox")

업로드: 2024-01-15 16:00:30

9.8M 448.2K 2.8K

예상 수익: $588.81 ~ $3,925.42

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Positioned as the hardest question on a Putnam exam (#6, 1992)

업로드: 2024-01-12 16:00:13

239.3K 12.7K 131

예상 수익: $14.36 ~ $95.71

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Why does light slowing imply a bend? (Beyond the tank/car analogy)

업로드: 2024-01-11 09:00:11

1.3M 75.6K 521

예상 수익: $80.12 ~ $534.14

Video Thumbnail 0:59 Shorts

The cube shadow puzzle

업로드: 2024-01-10 02:15:05

2M 86.2K 1K

예상 수익: $119.53 ~ $796.88

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

What does it mean that light "slows down" in glass?

업로드: 2024-01-08 16:00:19

178.3K 13.1K 161

예상 수익: $10.70 ~ $71.34

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Why do we call them "scalars"?

업로드: 2024-01-06 09:00:33

237.8K 18.3K 79

예상 수익: $14.27 ~ $95.13

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

A beautiful international math olympiad problem

업로드: 2024-01-03 16:00:30

1.8M 91.7K 694

예상 수익: $108.43 ~ $722.87

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Definition of a "bit", in information theory

업로드: 2024-01-02 09:00:09

199.9K 12.7K 54

예상 수익: $12.00 ~ $79.98

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

The Newton art puzzle

업로드: 2023-12-30 04:00:32

8.4M 440.8K 1.7K

예상 수익: $501.97 ~ $3,346.49

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

What is a group?

업로드: 2023-12-28 04:00:01

125K 8K 77

예상 수익: $7.50 ~ $50.00

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

How to derive a formula for π

업로드: 2023-12-26 04:00:15

532.5K 28.8K 184

예상 수익: $31.95 ~ $212.99

Video Thumbnail 0:51 Shorts

The limit of limiting arguments

업로드: 2023-12-23 09:00:26

2M 78.4K 599

예상 수익: $118.64 ~ $790.96

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

For anyone who might not know how links in shorts work

업로드: 2023-12-21 09:15:02

244.4K 19K 519

예상 수익: $14.66 ~ $97.75

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Infinite Lighthouses and π

업로드: 2023-12-21 09:00:20

2M 128K 609

예상 수익: $117.12 ~ $780.82

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Can you even imagine 2^256?

업로드: 2023-12-16 09:00:24

1.6M 91.4K 822

예상 수익: $94.26 ~ $628.43

Video Thumbnail 0:50 Shorts

Order from chaos

업로드: 2023-12-15 09:00:13

13.7M 359.5K 2.1K

예상 수익: $823.60 ~ $5,490.65

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

The surface area of a sphere

업로드: 2023-12-14 09:00:12

1.9M 111.3K 493

예상 수익: $112.52 ~ $750.10

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

A short on shorts

업로드: 2023-12-13 09:00:09

793.6K 71.3K 951

예상 수익: $47.61 ~ $317.43

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

A pretty way to add weighted dice

업로드: 2023-12-12 09:00:07

771.7K 45.9K 233

예상 수익: $46.30 ~ $308.68

Video Thumbnail 0:59 Shorts

A simple image convolution

업로드: 2023-12-12 09:00:03

1M 46.7K 237

예상 수익: $60.02 ~ $400.13

Video Thumbnail 0:51 Shorts

These integrals all equal π, until...

업로드: 2023-12-11 09:00:18

371.6K 24.6K 182

예상 수익: $22.30 ~ $148.65

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

The split necklace puzzle (with a surprise topological solution)

업로드: 2023-12-11 09:00:07

341.4K 21.4K 156

예상 수익: $20.48 ~ $136.55

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Error correction is incredible

업로드: 2023-12-10 09:00:26

4.2M 222.5K 754

예상 수익: $254.35 ~ $1,695.67

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

The chessboard and coins puzzle

업로드: 2023-12-10 09:00:10

4.1M 162K 2.5K

예상 수익: $245.97 ~ $1,639.83

Video Thumbnail 0:56 Shorts

Prime spirals

업로드: 2023-12-09 09:00:19

3.5M 233.3K 1.9K

예상 수익: $207.57 ~ $1,383.78

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

The barber pole effect

업로드: 2023-12-09 09:00:02

475.8K 28.3K 207

예상 수익: $28.55 ~ $190.31

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Fourier series

업로드: 2023-12-08 09:00:22

1.9M 111.8K 673

예상 수익: $113.83 ~ $758.85

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Seeing with sound

업로드: 2023-12-08 09:00:02

883.5K 56.2K 462

예상 수익: $53.01 ~ $353.39

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

How prisms work (full video linked above)

업로드: 2023-12-07 10:31:43

6.8M 307.5K 1.7K

예상 수익: $407.44 ~ $2,716.30

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

Don't let it fool you! (Link above explains what's happening)

업로드: 2023-12-07 10:11:14

14.9M 736.7K 4.5K

예상 수익: $894.48 ~ $5,963.23

Video Thumbnail 1:00 Shorts

I'm still astounded this is true

업로드: 2023-12-07 10:11:14

54.4M 2.4M 10.7K

예상 수익: $3,261.56 ~ $21,743.76