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Beautiful American English

가입: 2022년 01월 15일

Listen to beautiful American English every day on this channel. 😍 Practice English With Native Speakers. All of our audios are complete originals that were created together with teachers from US. Also, the voices in the videos are recorded by REAL HUMAN VOICE and they are read carefully by professional voice-over artists.

conversation beginner basic words vocabulary learn phrases grammar esl efl listening practice
6,490 구독자
146,680 누적 조회수
7 누적 동영상

최근 업로드한 영상 통계

총 조회수
일반: 146.7K
쇼츠: 0
총 좋아요
일반: 4.2K
쇼츠: 0
총 댓글
일반: 107
쇼츠: 0
예상 수익
$293.37 ~ $660.07