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Learn English

가입: 2021년 02월 06일

👏👏It's a warm welcome to our channel "Learn English" 👏👏 There are so many people who wanted to learn English and speak English.If you want to practice and improve your english reading and speaking skills,our channel help you to do that . The sole aim of this channel is to help the students in speaking english fluently by english stand-up comedy with subtitles. We hope that our content will improve your knowledge and english skills. 👍Never give up on your english speaking journey 👍 🙏Do subscribe to our channel 🙏

English speech English speeches speech in english speech in english motivation english speech to improve english english motivational speech english speeches english speech with subtitle indian english speech Learn english Inspiring english speech Sae speech Indian motivational speech Indian speech English subtitles Learn english 2021 Listen with subtitles English motivation Indian English Stand-up comedy with subtitles Stand-up comedy
38,900 구독자
804,255 누적 조회수
3 누적 동영상

최근 업로드한 영상 통계

총 조회수
일반: 804.3K
쇼츠: 0
총 좋아요
일반: 18.5K
쇼츠: 0
총 댓글
일반: 208
쇼츠: 0
예상 수익
$1,608.57 ~ $3,619.28