마지막 업데이트: 6일 전
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가입: 2023년 10월 02일

书写律动之美,享受字律人生 这里是一个专注于书写的频道 期待你的加入,一起探索文字的魅力 リズムの美しさを書いて、自分を律する生活を楽しみましょう 文章を書くことに特化したチャンネルです ぜひご参加いただき、言葉の魅力を一緒に探求していただければ幸いです Feel the beauty of the rhythm of calligraphy, Enjoy a self-disciplined life Looking forward to your subscription, let's explore the charm of writing together. https://www.youtube.com/@zilv_jayw/

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Video Thumbnail 0:40 Shorts

【書道】hide 藏 チベットtibetano#art #calligraphy #書道 #hide #tibetan #calligraphyart #satisfying #focus #字律

업로드: 2024-07-25 14:30:13

1.1K 11 0

예상 수익: $0.06 ~ $0.42

Video Thumbnail 0:25 Shorts

【書道】tower 塔 탑 タワー torre#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #tower #buddha #satisfying #practice

업로드: 2024-07-25 11:30:02

1.8K 11 1

예상 수익: $0.11 ~ $0.72

Video Thumbnail 0:32 Shorts

【書道】jewel 宝 尊い joya 보석#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #jewellery #handwriting #satisfying #字律

업로드: 2024-07-24 22:00:50

550 3 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.22

Video Thumbnail 0:28 Shorts

【書道】city 城 도시 ciudad 市#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #city #town #handwriting #satisfying

업로드: 2024-07-24 12:30:21

928 7 0

예상 수익: $0.06 ~ $0.37

Video Thumbnail 0:24 Shorts

【書道】as well as 而 cũng như 게다가 así como #art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #while #but #focus #字律

업로드: 2024-07-23 19:45:00

703 2 0

예상 수익: $0.04 ~ $0.28

Video Thumbnail 0:24 Shorts

【書道】melt 化 溶ける 녹다 tan chảy derretir#art #calligraphy #書道 #handwriting #melting #japaneseculture #字律

업로드: 2024-07-23 12:15:01

435 3 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.17

Video Thumbnail 0:30 Shorts

【書道】disease 疾 enfermedad bệnh 病気 질병#calligraphyart #handwriting #sick #disease #covid19 #relax #字律

업로드: 2024-07-22 22:00:50

3.8K 18 0

예상 수익: $0.23 ~ $1.50

Video Thumbnail 0:24 Shorts

【書道】ok可 できる 할 수 있다 Có thể Poder #chinesecalligraphy #calligraphy #calligraphyart #ican #ok #practice

업로드: 2024-07-22 14:15:02

465 4 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.19

Video Thumbnail 0:31 Shorts

【書道】poor 穷 pobreza nghèo 빈곤 貧困#art #calligraphy #calligraphyart #poor #rich #money #satisfying #字律

업로드: 2024-07-20 14:45:02

3K 32 0

예상 수익: $0.18 ~ $1.21

Video Thumbnail 0:20 Shorts

【書道】mountain 山 산 Núi Montaña#art #chinesecalligraphy #書道 #handwriting #美文字 #hills #mountains #focus

업로드: 2024-07-20 11:30:20

557 5 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.22

Video Thumbnail 0:30 Shorts

【書道】different 异 違う 다른 khác biệt#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #different #ancient #relax #字律

업로드: 2024-07-19 12:45:01

3.8K 28 1

예상 수익: $0.23 ~ $1.52

Video Thumbnail 0:25 Shorts

【書道】precious 珍 貴重な 귀중한 quý giá#treasure #pearl #art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #chinese #字律

업로드: 2024-07-18 12:45:00

485 4 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.19

Video Thumbnail 0:26 Shorts

【書道】straight 直 derecho 똑바로 真っ直ぐ#art #calligraphy #calligraphyart #straight #lgbt #focus #work #字律

업로드: 2024-07-17 17:45:00

449 4 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.18

Video Thumbnail 0:30 Shorts

【習字】pause 顿 一時停止 정지시키다 pausa#art #calligraphy #書道 #handwriting #pause #meal #focus #字律 #relaxing

업로드: 2024-07-17 12:30:32

472 5 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.19

Video Thumbnail 0:28 Shorts

【書道】speak 讲 hablar말하다 nói chuyện 話す#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #speaker #speech #字律 #focus

업로드: 2024-07-16 20:15:02

2.1K 9 0

예상 수익: $0.13 ~ $0.84

Video Thumbnail 0:29 Shorts

【書道】enter 进 入力 입력하다 Đi vào Ingresar#art #chinesecalligraphy #calligraphy #書道 #enter #focus #relaxing

업로드: 2024-07-16 12:00:27

1.4K 6 0

예상 수익: $0.08 ~ $0.54

Video Thumbnail 0:27 Shorts

【書道】tool 具 道具 도구 Dụng cụ#art #chinesecalligraphy #calligraphy #書道 #tools #satisfying #relaxing #字律

업로드: 2024-07-15 13:30:00

1.8K 13 0

예상 수익: $0.11 ~ $0.71

Video Thumbnail 0:31 Shorts

【書道】dragon 龙 rồng 용 ドラゴン#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #handwriting #dragon #gameofthrones

업로드: 2024-07-13 22:01:08

4.2K 43 2

예상 수익: $0.25 ~ $1.67

Video Thumbnail 0:33 Shorts

【書道】fulu magic symbol 簶 呪符 Phù lục#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #tao #chineseculture #字律

업로드: 2024-07-13 11:00:17

1.5K 23 0

예상 수익: $0.09 ~ $0.60

Video Thumbnail 0:22 Shorts

【書道】year 年 سال 년도 Năm#art #chinesecalligraphy #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #year #time #字律

업로드: 2024-07-12 18:15:01

1.5K 24 0

예상 수익: $0.09 ~ $0.61

Video Thumbnail 0:28 Shorts

【書道】monk 僧 monje モンク 수도사 راهب#art #chinesecalligraphy #japaneseculture #monk #buddha #satisfying #字律

업로드: 2024-07-12 10:30:10

3.1K 23 0

예상 수익: $0.18 ~ $1.23

Video Thumbnail 0:29 Shorts

【書道】rise 升 tăng lên 증가 elevar#calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #handwriting #lift #rise #chinese #字律

업로드: 2024-07-11 19:15:01

1.3K 15 1

예상 수익: $0.08 ~ $0.51

Video Thumbnail 0:30 Shorts

【書道】Temple 寺 templo 절 ngôi đền#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #buddha #temple #satisfying #字律

업로드: 2024-07-11 10:30:31

1.1K 10 0

예상 수익: $0.07 ~ $0.45

Video Thumbnail 0:29 Shorts

【習字】west西 서쪽 hướng Tây Oeste#art #calligraphy #calligraphyart #west #japaneseculture #字律 #satisfying

업로드: 2024-07-10 20:30:17

2.6K 12 2

예상 수익: $0.15 ~ $1.03

Video Thumbnail 0:31 Shorts

【書道】prosper 興 兴 thịnh vượng 번영하다 繁栄する#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #prosperity #chinese #字律

업로드: 2024-07-10 12:45:02

1.4K 22 1

예상 수익: $0.08 ~ $0.56

Video Thumbnail 0:17 Shorts

【習字】Of 之 の Của 의#art #calligraphy #書道 #chineseculture #of #satisfying #relaxing #字律 #calligraphyart

업로드: 2024-07-09 21:15:03

1.4K 20 1

예상 수익: $0.08 ~ $0.56

Video Thumbnail 0:29 Shorts

【書道】seat 座 シートصندلی 좌석 ghế#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #seat #字律 #chinese #handwriting

업로드: 2024-07-09 17:25:30

383 12 0

예상 수익: $0.02 ~ $0.15

Video Thumbnail 0:23 Shorts

【書道】son 子 息子 Con trai 아들 فرزند پسر#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #sons #japaneseculture #字律

업로드: 2024-07-08 17:18:43

911 5 0

예상 수익: $0.05 ~ $0.36

Video Thumbnail 0:29 Shorts

【書道】walk 走 歩く راه رفتن 걷다 Đi bộ#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #美文字 #walk #satisfying #ancient

업로드: 2024-07-08 09:00:33

2.8K 15 0

예상 수익: $0.17 ~ $1.12

Video Thumbnail 0:26 Shorts

【書道】receive 收 受け取る받다 دريافت كردن#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #income #receive #chinese #字律

업로드: 2024-07-08 05:53:54

4.4K 37 1

예상 수익: $0.26 ~ $1.74

Video Thumbnail 0:22 Shorts

【書道】heart 心 Corazón마음 قلب#art #chinesecalligraphy #calligraphy #書道 #heart #hearttouching #satisfying

업로드: 2024-07-07 10:00:06

438 3 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.18

Video Thumbnail 0:28 Shorts

【習字】however 然 하지만 しかし sin embargo #art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #however #yes #chinese #字律

업로드: 2024-07-07 01:45:02

5K 32 3

예상 수익: $0.30 ~ $2.02

Video Thumbnail 0:31 Shorts

【書道】peace 静 静かな im lặng 조용한 tranquilo#art #calligraphy #書道 #handwriting #quiet #still #peace #字律

업로드: 2024-07-06 22:31:29

7.2K 59 0

예상 수익: $0.43 ~ $2.88

Video Thumbnail 0:26 Shorts

【書道】night 夜 밤 noche đêm#calligraphy #chinesecalligraphy #art #書道 #handwriting #night #evening #字律

업로드: 2024-07-05 10:30:05

475 4 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.19

Video Thumbnail 0:23 Shorts

【書道】because 因 なぜなら bởi vì 왜냐하면 porque#calligraphy #art #書道 #calligraphyart #because #reasoning #字律

업로드: 2024-07-05 09:30:14

463 3 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.19

Video Thumbnail 0:23 Shorts

【書道】exist 在 存在する 존재하다 hiện hữu#satisfying #calligraphy #art #handwriting #japaneseculture #字律 #書道

업로드: 2024-07-03 11:30:11

3.4K 38 2

예상 수익: $0.20 ~ $1.35

Video Thumbnail 0:26 Shorts

【書道】Taste 品 味 Gusto Nếm 맛#calligraphy #art #書道 #calligraphyart #handwriting #taste #ranked #quality

업로드: 2024-07-03 09:45:02

648 8 0

예상 수익: $0.04 ~ $0.26

Video Thumbnail 0:31 Shorts

【書道】babe 宝 赤ちゃん Đứa bé bebé#calligraphy #art #書道 #calligraphyart #drawing #babe #baby #valuable #字律

업로드: 2024-07-02 11:00:30

6.1K 44 2

예상 수익: $0.37 ~ $2.44

Video Thumbnail 0:29 Shorts

【書道】arrive 至 に ĐẾN hasta#calligraphy #art #書道 #calligraphyart #drawing #arrival #chinese #美文字 #字律

업로드: 2024-07-02 09:45:02

788 5 1

예상 수익: $0.05 ~ $0.32

Video Thumbnail 0:26 Shorts

【習字】as 如 として como BẰNG#calligraphy #書道 #習字 #calligraphyart #asif #like #字律 #japaneseculture #chinese

업로드: 2024-07-01 10:30:11

1.8K 11 1

예상 수익: $0.11 ~ $0.72

Video Thumbnail 0:35 Shorts

【書道】recite 诵 朗読する 암송하다 đọc thuộc lòng recitar#calligraphy #chinesecalligraphy #art #書道 #satisfying

업로드: 2024-07-01 09:30:33

1.2K 4 0

예상 수익: $0.07 ~ $0.49

Video Thumbnail 0:14 Shorts

【書道】enter 入 ingresar 입력하다 đi vào 入力#calligraphy #art #calligraphyart #japaneseculture #chinese #字律

업로드: 2024-06-30 12:30:09

1.3K 5 0

예상 수익: $0.08 ~ $0.51

Video Thumbnail 0:30 Shorts

【書道】tower 塔 タワー tòa tháp 탑 torre#calligraphy #art #書道 #calligraphyart #tower #buddha #chinese

업로드: 2024-06-30 08:30:00

5K 42 0

예상 수익: $0.30 ~ $2.00

Video Thumbnail 0:25 Shorts

【書道】parking 泊 황무지荒野#calligraphy #chinesecalligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #parking #chinese #字律 #daily

업로드: 2024-06-28 14:45:01

3.2K 19 0

예상 수익: $0.19 ~ $1.27

Video Thumbnail 0:29 Shorts

【書道】body 身 体 몸 thân hình#calligraphy #art #書道 #calligraphyart #satisfying #body #daily #practice #字律

업로드: 2024-06-28 08:45:01

1.5K 14 0

예상 수익: $0.09 ~ $0.62

Video Thumbnail 0:25 Shorts

【書道】similar 宛 ĐẾN 에게 に#art #similar #calligraphy #書道 #handwriting #asif #chinese #字律 #satisfying

업로드: 2024-06-27 11:15:02

1.3K 10 1

예상 수익: $0.08 ~ $0.54

Video Thumbnail 0:23 Shorts

【書道】interest rate 息 金利 lãi suất 이자율#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #satisfying #rate #mortgage

업로드: 2024-06-27 09:00:23

1.8K 13 0

예상 수익: $0.11 ~ $0.72

Video Thumbnail 0:27 Shorts

【書道】treasure 宝 貴重な 귀중한 precioso quý giá#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #treasure #baby #字律

업로드: 2024-06-26 10:30:02

1.9K 15 0

예상 수익: $0.12 ~ $0.77

Video Thumbnail 0:27 Shorts

【習字】hold 持 所有 잡고 있다 sostener giữ#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #drawing #hold #hodl #chinese

업로드: 2024-06-25 11:00:11

666 9 0

예상 수익: $0.04 ~ $0.27

Video Thumbnail 0:25 Shorts

【書道】steady sure 定 確かに Ciertamente 틀림없이#art #calligraphy #書道 #calligraphyart #satisfying #字律

업로드: 2024-06-25 10:30:21

739 8 1

예상 수익: $0.04 ~ $0.30