마지막 업데이트: 13일 전
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The Atomic Ranch

가입: 2021년 10월 21일

Insightful, inspiring and educational videos about Mid Century Modern design, architecture, history and homes!

atomic ranch mid century modern architecture renovation modern design interior design
2,450 구독자
148,872 누적 조회수
27 누적 동영상

최근 업로드한 영상 통계

총 조회수
일반: 141.2K
쇼츠: 7.9K
총 좋아요
일반: 2.9K
쇼츠: 373
총 댓글
일반: 117
쇼츠: 3
예상 수익
$282.96 ~ $638.74

최근 업로드한 동영상

Video Thumbnail 6:17

A 1954 Home in Long Beach, California

6.3K 157 14 업로드: 2024-09-19 06:00:27

예상 수익: $12.60 ~ $28.35

Video Thumbnail 4:08

An Artist for Mid Century Interiors: Joan Banks

1.5K 32 1 업로드: 2024-02-28 07:00:32

예상 수익: $3.05 ~ $6.86

Video Thumbnail 4:44

Designing the Perfect Mid Century Modern Exterior

17.7K 374 5 업로드: 2024-02-16 08:31:48

예상 수익: $35.32 ~ $79.46

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Mid Century Hardscapes & Designing with Pavers

2.1K 39 1 업로드: 2024-02-16 08:25:28

예상 수익: $4.19 ~ $9.42

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Expert Advice for Renovating Mid Century Modern Windows

3.5K 66 1 업로드: 2024-01-30 09:00:07

예상 수익: $7.02 ~ $15.79

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Inside an Epic Eichler Renovation

25.8K 507 17 업로드: 2024-01-23 08:19:26

예상 수익: $51.53 ~ $115.95

Video Thumbnail 4:56

Tour a Mid Century Modern Renovation in Palm Springs

30.2K 646 27 업로드: 2023-12-01 08:33:11

예상 수익: $60.33 ~ $135.75

Video Thumbnail 4:58

The History Of The Desert Eichlers

14.8K 380 16 업로드: 2023-02-26 03:51:50

예상 수익: $29.58 ~ $66.56

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Palm Springs Style

13.5K 249 11 업로드: 2023-02-24 09:31:13

예상 수익: $26.97 ~ $60.68

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The Best of Palm Springs Modernism Show 2023

4.5K 79 4 업로드: 2023-02-20 09:01:06

예상 수익: $9.01 ~ $20.26

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Buying Mid Century at Auction

532 12 1 업로드: 2022-10-16 16:17:05

예상 수익: $1.06 ~ $2.39

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3 Places to Find Furniture Inspiration in Palm Springs

1.5K 29 2 업로드: 2022-02-24 11:50:47

예상 수익: $2.92 ~ $6.56

Video Thumbnail 6:09

Discover the Design Expo at Palm Springs Modernism Week

2.4K 46 1 업로드: 2022-02-22 09:09:45

예상 수익: $4.78 ~ $10.75

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Mid Century Modern Impressionism? Get to Know La Chica Artist Kathleen Strukoff

412 10 0 업로드: 2021-10-23 02:04:56

예상 수익: $0.82 ~ $1.85

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New Modern Heirlooms with Moku Artisan Furniture

459 13 0 업로드: 2021-10-23 01:55:13

예상 수익: $0.92 ~ $2.07

Video Thumbnail 7:51

Joybird Presents A Palm Springs Dazey Desert House Tour with Atomic Ranch

16.2K 235 16 업로드: 2021-10-22 03:53:24

예상 수익: $32.40 ~ $72.90