마지막 업데이트: 11일 전
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Shortcut Movie

가입: 2015년 11월 29일

Shortcut movie for your short time to enjoying kmovie and kdrama. Lets fun and happy with us.

kanjengmami #halokanjengmami #alurdramakorea #ulasanfilm #kontenviral
2,380 구독자
331,819 누적 조회수
45 누적 동영상

최근 업로드한 영상 통계

총 조회수
일반: 289.1K
쇼츠: 42.7K
총 좋아요
일반: 2.4K
쇼츠: 618
총 댓글
일반: 66
쇼츠: 3
예상 수익
$580.80 ~ $1,318.12

최근 업로드한 동영상

Video Thumbnail 0:18 Shorts

Filipi 4 ayat 13

업로드: 2024-01-23 15:26:01

143 8 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.06

Video Thumbnail 0:16 Shorts

Wajah gemes #bayilucu #bayikocak #childdevelopment #bayigemesh #childhealth #bayigemes

업로드: 2023-12-17 09:03:18

24 0 0

예상 수익: $0.00 ~ $0.01

Video Thumbnail 0:15 Shorts

Kucing nakal #kucingcomel #kucing #bayilucu #childdevelopment #bayikocak #bayigemesh #kucingimut

업로드: 2023-12-16 10:13:23

3.4K 32 0

예상 수익: $0.21 ~ $1.38

Video Thumbnail 0:59 Shorts

Tiga bersaudara angker | Welcome to Samdal-ri #shinhyesun #jichangwook #shorts #welcometosamdalri

업로드: 2023-12-14 20:17:49

924 20 0

예상 수익: $0.06 ~ $0.37

Video Thumbnail 0:21 Shorts

Roti sobek Song Kang #songkang #songkangho #mydemon #mydemonkdrama #mydemons #kdrama #rotisobek

업로드: 2023-12-13 22:56:24

97 3 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.04

Video Thumbnail 0:53 Shorts

Cinta abadi 20th century girl #century #kmovie #filmcinta #alurdrama

업로드: 2023-12-08 16:31:33

212 1 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.08

Video Thumbnail 0:50 Shorts

Anak ajaib yang ditakuti banyak orang #thecreator #anakajaib #ai #robot #robotai #boxoffice #movie

업로드: 2023-12-08 12:43:28

288 0 0

예상 수익: $0.02 ~ $0.12

Video Thumbnail 0:36 Shorts

Kok ada ya cowok se ganteng ini #songkang #dramakorea #mydemon #mydemonkdrama #mydemons

업로드: 2023-12-02 20:21:51

92 2 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.04

Video Thumbnail 0:54 Shorts

Song kang kocak banget #songkang #mydemon #mydemonkdrama #drakorpopuler #trendingshorts

업로드: 2023-12-02 09:39:55

529 18 0

예상 수익: $0.03 ~ $0.21

Video Thumbnail 0:24 Shorts

Rockstar kecil #rockstar #bayilucu #penyanyicilik #lagurockpopuler #bandmetal #metallica #bayigemes

업로드: 2023-12-02 09:00:59

55 1 0

예상 수익: $0.00 ~ $0.02

Video Thumbnail 0:22 Shorts

Gemoy jago main bola lho #cat #bayigemes #cute #ekspresibayi #childhealth #childdevelopment #baby

업로드: 2023-12-02 08:48:00

10.8K 127 0

예상 수익: $0.65 ~ $4.31

Video Thumbnail 0:37 Shorts

Ter song kang song kang gk kalian #songkang #mydemon #drakorpopuler #dramakorea

업로드: 2023-12-01 20:07:20

289 21 0

예상 수익: $0.02 ~ $0.12

Video Thumbnail 0:10 Shorts

Kucing comel #kucing #kucinglucu #kucingoren #kucingkampung #kucingimut #kucingcomel #kucingpintar

업로드: 2023-11-29 19:39:01

2.4K 51 0

예상 수익: $0.14 ~ $0.96

Video Thumbnail 0:32 Shorts

Kekuatan ibli5 pindah ke manusia #mydemon #mydemons #drakor #drakorpopuler #songkang

업로드: 2023-11-29 16:30:50

47 0 0

예상 수익: $0.00 ~ $0.02

Video Thumbnail 0:16 Shorts

Berhasil tahan tawa ? #tahantawa #bayilucu #hiburan #tawa #bayigemesin

업로드: 2023-11-29 12:29:00

13 0 0

예상 수익: $0.00 ~ $0.01

Video Thumbnail 0:26 Shorts

Gemes gk nih gez ? aku sih iyes #bayilucu #bayigemes #lelucon #sopirindonesia #kartunlucu

업로드: 2023-11-28 19:42:50

94 1 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.04

Video Thumbnail 0:21 Shorts

Emang boleh ya se gemoy ini? #bayilucu #bayiimut #hiburanlucu #bayigemoy #cilok #bakso #esteh #bayi

업로드: 2023-11-28 13:59:26

3K 37 1

예상 수익: $0.18 ~ $1.22

Video Thumbnail 0:20 Shorts

Bang beli teh bang! #bayilucu #shortviral #bayigemes #kartunlucu #lelucon #bercanda #hiburan

업로드: 2023-11-27 19:56:14

3.6K 41 0

예상 수익: $0.22 ~ $1.44

Video Thumbnail 0:28 Shorts

Mana tahan... #bayilucu #bayigemes #cutebaby #bayijoget #bayigembul #kartunlucu #viral #hiburan

업로드: 2023-11-27 17:37:14

192 2 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.08

Video Thumbnail 0:18 Shorts

Kecil kecil cabe rawit #cutebaby #bayigemes #bayilucu #iphone #selfie #kartunlucu #lelucon

업로드: 2023-11-26 09:25:52

9.9K 121 0

예상 수익: $0.59 ~ $3.96

Video Thumbnail 0:57 Shorts

Kdrama Vigilante , penggemar atau penjahat ? #vigilantejustice #kdrama #drakor #drakorpopuler

업로드: 2023-11-25 19:46:20

32 0 1

예상 수익: $0.00 ~ $0.01

Video Thumbnail 0:13 Shorts

Gemes nggak sih ??? #bayigemes #bayilucu #bayijoget #bayiviral #kartunlucu #iphone #cutebaby

업로드: 2023-11-25 17:31:47

5.5K 95 1

예상 수익: $0.33 ~ $2.19

Video Thumbnail 0:36 Shorts

Aksi unik anak speech delay #anakspeechdelay #bayilucu #cutebaby #bayigemes #anakbermain

업로드: 2023-11-17 17:11:33

25 2 0

예상 수익: $0.00 ~ $0.01

Video Thumbnail 0:13 Shorts

#anakspeechdelay #anaklucu #bayilucu #cutebaby #jogetviral #bayiviral #speechdelay #bayijoget

업로드: 2023-11-17 16:38:23

393 13 0

예상 수익: $0.02 ~ $0.16

Video Thumbnail 0:15 Shorts

Teaser Kmovie Believer 2 #believer #believers #hanhyojoo

업로드: 2023-09-27 19:38:36

227 4 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.09

Video Thumbnail 0:14 Shorts

Alololo Sayang #alololosayang #happyasmara #cikinikegondangdia

업로드: 2023-09-25 22:34:48

249 6 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.10

Video Thumbnail 0:16 Shorts

Cikini gondangdia Aku imut mempesona #cutebaby #anakimut #bayilucu #bayigemes

업로드: 2023-09-25 21:57:06

112 7 0

예상 수익: $0.01 ~ $0.04

Video Thumbnail 0:12 Shorts

Bayi lucu lagi tidur #cutebaby #bayigemes # #bayilucu

업로드: 2023-09-25 18:24:06

18 5 0

예상 수익: $0.00 ~ $0.01

Video Thumbnail 0:13 Shorts

Bayi Lucu #cutebaby #bayilucu #shorts #bayigemes

업로드: 2023-09-25 18:05:39

55 0 0

예상 수익: $0.00 ~ $0.02