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마지막 업데이트: 12일 전
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가입: 2021년 05월 09일

やほ~!! 👋 My name is Tokuyuu and I moved to Japan in 2022! ✈️🥳 I self-studied Japanese to N1 fluency and want to share my unique experience being a total foreigner who can truly interact with Japanese people 🗣️🎌 I hope you come follow along 😙✌️❗

키워드가 없습니다.

84,700 구독자
3,042,719 누적 조회수
19 누적 동영상

최근 업로드한 영상 통계

총 조회수
일반: 2.9M
쇼츠: 124.2K
총 좋아요
일반: 169.5K
쇼츠: 8.7K
총 댓글
일반: 7.5K
쇼츠: 411
예상 수익
$5,845.42 ~ $13,185.11

최근 업로드한 동영상

Video Thumbnail 10:21

Will my mom love or hate Japan?

3.1K 161 57 업로드: 2024-08-04 10:50:27

예상 수익: $6.10 ~ $13.73

Video Thumbnail 7:25

I went on a PRIVATE tour around the real Osaka

4.8K 269 103 업로드: 2024-05-15 22:54:31

예상 수익: $9.65 ~ $21.70

Video Thumbnail 12:58

Hokkaido: Exploring Japan's Winter Wonderland

22.1K 791 173 업로드: 2023-08-05 16:16:46

예상 수익: $44.15 ~ $99.33

Video Thumbnail 12:18

Staying in the Hamptons of Japan: Karuizawa

19.9K 1.1K 305 업로드: 2023-02-16 20:15:57

예상 수익: $39.77 ~ $89.49

Video Thumbnail 8:09

How to BEAT the Japanese Language Plateau 🥊

67K 3.6K 329 업로드: 2022-09-28 21:39:31

예상 수익: $133.90 ~ $301.28

Video Thumbnail 6:03

How to Start Learning Japanese from NOTHING

752.6K 51.7K 1K 업로드: 2022-03-18 10:56:19

예상 수익: $1,505.12 ~ $3,386.53

Video Thumbnail 11:39

How I got a job in Japan (NOT teaching English!!)

209.5K 9.3K 699 업로드: 2022-02-13 02:31:41

예상 수익: $418.96 ~ $942.65

Video Thumbnail 9:36

Why I started learning Japanese

34.7K 2.7K 372 업로드: 2021-11-02 02:03:44

예상 수익: $69.35 ~ $156.03

Video Thumbnail 9:56

The SECRET to Japanese fluency

70.7K 5.3K 455 업로드: 2021-10-12 00:41:08

예상 수익: $141.39 ~ $318.12

Video Thumbnail 9:07

How to speak Japanese more fluently

41.7K 2.9K 238 업로드: 2021-09-21 04:39:36

예상 수익: $83.37 ~ $187.59

Video Thumbnail 5:55

How I became fluent in Japanese | Listening

35.4K 2.7K 211 업로드: 2021-08-30 23:43:54

예상 수익: $70.85 ~ $159.41

Video Thumbnail 5:47

How I became fluent in Japanese | Grammar

58.3K 4.7K 243 업로드: 2021-08-10 00:04:47

예상 수익: $116.68 ~ $262.54

Video Thumbnail 5:54

How I became fluent in Japanese | Vocab

84.6K 4.6K 240 업로드: 2021-07-20 06:26:02

예상 수익: $169.13 ~ $380.55

Video Thumbnail 11:03

How I became fluent in Japanese | Kanji

1.5M 79.8K 3K 업로드: 2021-06-29 05:30:14

예상 수익: $3,029.55 ~ $6,816.48